What is GenCon

GenCon is a convention in Indianapolis that calls itself “the best four days in gaming”.  The convention center and several of the downtown hotels host hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of events round the clock from Thursday morning to Sunday afternoon.  There are scheduled game sessions for an huge selection of games.  There are tournaments for card games (al la Magic the Gathering)  There are board game events and miniatures games.  An entirely different area is set aside for role play game sessions.  Many of these sessions are pay-to-play.  You purchase tickets for $2 per ticket (these are …

What is Gen Con?

I decided to start my Gen Con report articles with a “What is Gen Con” first. It is doubtful that one person knows all the conventions, meetings, get-togethers, or other social gatherings related to games, comics, and the like.  Such a person if they exist would doubtful spend all their time reading schedules and programs and calendars and have little time for anything else. Gen Con is a gaming convention in Indianapolis that is held each year in the later part of the summer. Tens of thousands of people go to the convention.  It’s huge.  There are scheduled events where people …