Posts in Category: Fantasy

Here are stored the writings of the vagabond vizer Von’gleas.

Running X2: Castle Amber again after 40 years

It’s been almost 40 years since I first brought a group of friends into The Castle Amber. Last night the grey mists swept in and the party awoke in an elegant foyer. Their hirelings and pack animals are waiting outside in the thin band of grass between the walls of the chateaux and lethal fog.

Rather than running this as a B/X we are using DCC for the mechanics and that has been a complete blast. The off the wall encounters and strangeness of the Amber family makes this such a fun adventure.

Why not break the boredom of centuries ensconced in a mansion by watching some unexpected guests wander around and get into trouble. Perhaps some family squabbles will be set aside (or resolved at sword point) by presence of these interlopers. At least it’s something new for the inhabitants.

For the adventures: adventures, riches, and really wild times. So far they’ve boxed, been blinded, and fought deadly slimes and oozes. I can’t wait to see what they do after lunch.

The Faux Marquess

The second adventure in my A Tale of Art, Love, and Fear is now available for purchase on here

This second 5-7 step story for 7th Sea second edition is a follow on adventure from The Painter and the Pirate, also for sale at The heroes attempt to find a woman that everyone thought had perished in a storm at sea. She’s very much alive, looks like a missing marquess, and has amnesia.

This second adventure offers more chances for fighting and chasing as the heroes work with or against one or both villains to help the “Marquess”

DM Interludes

I started going through old character backstories and bits of prose that I have drafted through the years and decided that it would be a neat exercise to make a sort of radio drama. I’ve recorded one and decided that maybe it would be a neat thing for DMs to play between scenes or if they need some sort of break in an online game (for the bathroom, or to refill a drink, etc) so I have recorded The Roadside Knight it is a story told by a cavalier at his camp near the road he travels protecting the small folk from bandits.

The Roadside Knight

  • Genre: Fantasy (mention of elves and knights
  • Length: 25 min
  • Background sounds: campfire, horse, and brook
  • Story: A knight handles some bandits with sharp wits and an even sharper sword