Posts in Category: Featured

Savage Scooby Doo

The Scooby Doo gangSometimes you find something quirky and fun.  This is one of those times.  I was searching around the Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s forums for Pirates of the Spanish Main RPG materials. (More on that game later.)  and I stumbled into a thread about a Scooby Doo adventure using the Savage Worlds rules.  I followed the link to Dave Baymiler’s blog and read all about Savage Worlds Scooby Doo.


The Savage Worlds RPG system is not as detail-oriented as GURPS, Pathfinder or D&D.  I have played a few sessions of Pirates of the Spanish Main and the system reminds me a bit of Storyteller.  There are mechanics for combat and contested actions, but the rules try to stay out of the way of the story and the role play.

I think we’ve found our next Free RPG on-line game…