Origins Game Fair

This Sunday I got to visit the Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio. This is a four day convention about card, board, and role play games. There are competitions and tournaments for games like Magic the Gathering, Settlers of Catan, and others. The schedule is packed full of things from early in the morning until very very late at night.

I did not attend any of the paid game sessions, nor did I get to attend the evening sessions since I only had Sunday. There are a bunch of things to do and see outside the exhibit hall, but I didn’t do or see anything like that this trip. I had thought about trying to get in Saturday for a session of Pathfinder 2.0 or one of the evening learn to play (Malifaux or 40k) but schedules just did not work in my favor.

This was my second trip to Origins. Last year I went up on a Saturday and wandered around and got into a game of Small World. This year I did a bunch of demos in the exhibit hall. I find Origins to be just about the right size for me. There is plenty of things to see and do but it is seeable and doable. I drove into town and parked and that was easy with plenty of parking open at 8:30AM. When I left the con at 4:30 PM the traffic around the convention center was quite managable. None of the booths felt cramped, none of the common areas were packed and none of the food venues were swamped. It was all very chill.